Growing Herbs


Growing your own herbs, e.g. on a windowsill or balcony, is very easy with the right instructions. Here are tips for beginners and advanced growers on sowing and planting herbs.

Growing your own herbs, e.g. on a windowsill or balcony, is very easy with the right instructions. Here are tips for beginners and advanced growers on sowing and planting herbs. read more »
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Growing Herbs

Growing your own herbs, e.g. on a windowsill or balcony, is very easy with the right instructions. Here are tips for beginners and advanced growers on sowing and planting herbs.

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More than any other herb, oregano is associated with Italian cuisine. But oregano, with its oval and delicate hairy leaves, has only been used as a culinary herb for two...
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Like oregano, marjoram belongs to the labiates family. Despite their close relationship, there are differences in the cultivation of the two. Marjoram is very popular as a...
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Chervil is similar to parsley, but is a much more delicate herb with a subtle parsley flavour and slight aniseed note. It also grows naturally on shaded forest edges, from...
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Do it Yourself - Herb Spiral Do it Yourself - Herb Spiral
The herb spiral is a very special highlight in the garden due to its different levels and the possibility of an adjoining pond. The 4 zones of a herbal spiral: Zone...
Growing thyme from seed Growing thyme from seed
Thyme is a small perennial shrubby plant that belongs to the labiates. It hardly grows taller than 20 - 30 cm and is therefore often planted in rock gardens or as a ground...
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How to grow rosemary from seeds With its fragrant needles, rosemary greens the steep coastal slopes of Portugal, the mighty limestone cliffs of the Greek archipelago, the...
Growing your own dill Growing your own dill
Growing your own dill Dill is an aromatic and very popular herb that is often used with cucumbers or in fish dishes. Dill belongs to the umbellifer family and its foliage is...
Growing basil from seeds Growing basil from seeds
Tips for sowing basil in your own garden or on the balcony Basil is one of the most popular aromatic herbs, especially in Italian cuisine. Basil belongs to the labiates...
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Tips for sowing coriander in your own garden The characteristic smell of coriander, whose Latin name means "bug herb", divides our epicurean world. The reason for this is...
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