How to grow flowers from seed


Most flowers are easy to grow from seed if you take a few things into account. Tips and tricks on sowing and care can be found here.

Most flowers are easy to grow from seed if you take a few things into account. Tips and tricks on sowing and care can be found here. read more »
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How to grow flowers from seed

Most flowers are easy to grow from seed if you take a few things into account. Tips and tricks on sowing and care can be found here.

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Growing the colourful flower in the garden The sunflower is often not only an eye-catcher in the garden, but some varieties are also suppliers of delicious sunflower...
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When the temperatures in winter jump back and forth between freezing cold and spring-like 15°C, it is a real endurance test for perennial plants. That`s when gardeners have...
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Undemanding beauty with great healing power In 2004, yarrow was already named medicinal plant of the year in Germany. In 2021, the Association of German Perennial Gardeners...
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Unrecognised beauties: biennial summer flowers Buy seeds in July /August and grow! Late summer in July / August (and in warm areas like the Rhine Valley even until...